Friday, October 11, 2013


I think that since rockets are parallel from each other and are pointed to the same direction it really shows the viewers what the photo is about, and since the background is simple everyone should be more focused on how they are positioned. 
 Avoiding Mergers
This is what NOT to do because as you can see the model in the photo is wearing all black and so is the  jacket and since the colors collided with each other you can't see the jacket or if someone were to look at it from far you wouldn't be able to see it clearly.

 Rules Of Thirds
In my head I saw a grid and to me it seems the guy (subject) is right on the 2nd line. The background is a pretty boring so the viewer won't be focused on it

The model is right in the middle of the board making him the subject and the board around him looking like a frame. 
The models are right in the middle of the picture and it seems that the surrounding objects make it even more so. 

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