Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ethics of Photoshop

Photo-shopping is greatly shunned in most public showing mainly because many of the people think its basically lying to the viewers and that trust can be broken. I think that it's not right manipulating people to thinking whats there isn't or trying to make it look better by your eyes. In many countries people still do it for tons of reasons. Brian Walski a famous Los Angeles Times photographer was fired for photo-shopping and it cost him everything, his job and name. Its totally not ethical for photographers to fool the eyes of the people they deserve to know the truth and being a photographer that does is not trustworthy.
These two people were very big political leaders and the fact that it looks like they were debating might  have surprised or maybe even angered the people on both sides of the country.

The top was the one that was photo-shopped and the reason why photo-shopped was to show that the school was a diversity filled school and I think it must've angered some people because they were fooled into thinking that it was a diverse school and the fact is that it wasn't and only a few were accepted in the school the photo-shopped man was really one of the few who were accepted and he wasn't anywhere near the picture.

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